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2. Get Started (3)

  • 1. Getting started with your GitHub account

    Getting started with your GitHub account is easy. First, create an account on the GitHub website. Once you've signed up, you can start creating and managing repositories, which are the basic units of work on GitHub. You can create new repositories to store and share your code, or contribute to existing ones by submitting pull requests. GitHub also allows you to collaborate with other users by forking their repositories and making changes, or by inviting them to join your own projects. In addition to code, you can also use GitHub to host documentation, project websites, and other types of content. With its powerful tools for version control, issue tracking, and collaboration, GitHub is a valuable resource for developers and anyone looking to manage and share their work online.

  • 2. Creating a GitHub Pages site

    To create a GitHub Pages site, start by creating a new repository on GitHub and giving it a name in the format ``. Then, add an `index.html` file to the repository with your website's content. You can also use a static site generator like Jekyll, Hugo, or Gatsby to create your site. Once your site is ready, go to the repository's settings and enable GitHub Pages by selecting the source branch and folder for your site. Your site will be published at With GitHub Pages, you can easily create and host a simple website or blog using your GitHub repository.

  • 3. Fork a Repo

    Forking a repository on GitHub means creating a copy of another user's repository on your account. This lets you experiment with the code without affecting the original project. Forking is used for contributing to open source projects, modifying existing code, or creating new projects. It's a feature that promotes collaboration in software development.