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3. Resources (6)

  • 1. Deploying to GitHub Pages

    Deploying to GitHub Pages is a way to publish a website or web application on the internet using GitHub's hosting service. It involves creating a repository on GitHub, adding your website files to it, and configuring some settings to enable GitHub to serve your site to visitors. Once set up, GitHub Pages makes it easy to update and maintain your website, as any changes you push to your repository will be automatically deployed to the web. It's a simple and free way to get your website up and running quickly.

  • 2. How to update website contents

    To update website contents on GitHub, you need to make changes to the files that are stored in your repository. You can do this by editing the files directly on the GitHub website or by making changes to the files on your local computer and then pushing those changes to the repository using Git commands. Once the changes are pushed to the repository, they will be live on your website. It's important to check the website to make sure the changes look and work as intended. If there are any issues, you can make further changes and push them to the repository until the website is updated correctly.

  • 3. Inviting collaborators

    Inviting collaborators to your GitHub repository is easy and allows multiple people to work on the same codebase. To invite collaborators, go to your repository's settings and click on "Manage access". Then, enter the username or email address of the person you want to invite and select their desired level of access. Collaborators can have read, write, or admin access to your repository, depending on the level of permission you grant them. Once you invite a collaborator, they will receive an email notification with instructions on how to accept the invitation and start collaborating with you. With GitHub's collaboration features, you can work on projects with others in real-time, track changes, and easily manage contributions.

  • 4. Github Repo Setting

    GitHub Repo Settings allows you to configure various settings and options for your GitHub repository. To access the settings, go to your repository's homepage and click on the "Settings" tab. From there, you can manage a variety of options, including the repository's name, description, visibility, and access control. You can also configure integrations with other tools, such as continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) services, as well as webhooks to trigger events in other services. In addition, you can manage the repository's branches, labels, and milestones, and configure security options such as two-factor authentication and code scanning. With GitHub Repo Settings, you can customize and fine-tune your repository to fit your needs.

  • 5. Deleting a repository

    To delete a GitHub repository, go to the repository's homepage and click on "Settings". From there, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Delete this repository". You will be asked to confirm the deletion and enter the name of the repository to confirm. Once you confirm the deletion, the repository and all its contents will be permanently deleted from GitHub. However, if you have a backup of the repository or a local copy on your computer, you can still recover the contents. With GitHub's repository deletion feature, you can easily remove repositories that are no longer needed or outdated.

  • 6. Managing a custom domain

    Managing a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site involves adding a DNS record to your domain's DNS settings and configuring your GitHub Pages repository to use the custom domain. First, buy a domain from a registrar and then create a CNAME or A record pointing to or your custom domain in your DNS settings. Then, add the custom domain to your GitHub Pages repository's settings. After a few minutes, your GitHub Pages site will be accessible at your custom domain. With a custom domain, you can give your GitHub Pages site a professional look and make it easier to share with others.